The IV Edition will be Braille's forth album.Craft: Rapping
Location: Portland, Oregon

What about Hip Hop draws you to it?

I listened to all types of music when I was growing up (and I still do) but I think what grabbed me about hiphop was the lyrics. the lyrics didn't hold anything back. It expressed raw emotion, life stories and put it in a language that I could understand.

How did you end up being the opening act for James Brown?

James Browns management company heard some of my music online and we built a relationship. I never expected to be opening shows for Mr. Brown, but it all came together and I did 20 shows with him. It was an incredible learning and growing experience for me. I'm confident that God put me in that situation for a purpose and it will always be a part of my life that I value.

Why perform at an event that you might not make a profit from?

I didn't start rapping just to make money. I rapped for 8 years or so before I made any money at all. I've always been motivated by love first of all. If we can raise some money for people who need food.... that's an act of love. Sometimes it's hard to care about people that we've never met, but the reality is that children are starving in different parts of the world. Our contributions do make a difference in their lives.
- Braille

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